You are what you eat
This article might sound like we are going to discuss interesting ideas, something that you can meditate on later. In fact, I am going to talk about "actual food", food that we consume everyday for energy, for survival and for brain power.
When people think about maximizing their brain power or think about making themselves happy, they usually think about their mindset or environmental influences. However, in reality, what you put into your mouth makes a big difference in the way you think and the way you feel.
After I studied the brain and mind, I became more careful about what I eat and drink everyday. I know that food can alter my mood or even decrease or increase my brain capacity. Before I began my healthy-brain adventure I used to think that eating right for the brain must be hard to plan. I found out later that it's easier than expected.
Something as easy as increasing your water intake can make the brain function better in minutes. This is because your brain is made up of about 75 per cent fluid. Therefore, keeping your brain hydrated throughout the day is one of the best practices one can undertake.
A famous French chef once said, "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are."
This later was shortened to "You are what you eat," which I truly believe in. All the cells in your body, including your brain cells, make renew themselves every five months. Some of them, like your skin cells, are renewed every month. So, the foods that you consume are critical in maintaining proper brain and body function.
This later was shortened to "You are what you eat," which I truly believe in. All the cells in your body, including your brain cells, make renew themselves every five months. Some of them, like your skin cells, are renewed every month. So, the foods that you consume are critical in maintaining proper brain and body function.
Eat the right kinds of food and you will feel better. Eat wrong, like doughnuts or very sweet cereals for breakfast and you will start feeling lethargic and less sharp an hour later.
Food is one of the most effective strategies to get good results quickly.
So, what should we eat?
First, let's take a look at the kinds of fat we consume since the brain is made up of about 10 per cent fat. Cutting down good fats to control one's weight is not very smart. Good fats come from the following foods; avocado, white fish, walnuts, tuna, sardines, salmon, pistachios, peanut oil, olive oil, lean meats, green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oil, cashew nuts, canola oil, Brazil nuts and my most favorite of all, anchovies.
Bad fats are bacon, butter, cheese (regular fat), cream sauces, doughnuts, fried foods (such as potatoes and onion rings), ice cream, lamb chops, margarine, potato chips (fried), processed foods, steak and whole milk.
It is not that you can't consume the wonderful-tasting bad fats at all. However, they need to be controlled and lessened.
The brain is also composed of about 8 per cent protein. It is an essential component of nerve cells, axons and dendrites - the machinery of the brain. So, consuming inadequate protein leaves our brain without critical resources. Eat the following to ensure you nourish your brain with protein it needs: Fish like tuna, mackerel, salmon and herring, chicken (skinless), turkey (skinless), meat (lean beef and pork), eggs (enriched DHA eggs are the best), tofu and soy products, dairy products (low-fat kinds are best), beans (especially garbanzo and lentils are among the top picks), nuts and seeds (one of the best is walnuts, which is also listed under good fats.)
Consuming complex carbohydrates and antioxidants daily is very important, as well. These are great tasting foods that include berries, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, peaches, plums, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, oats, whole wheat, red or yellow peppers (much higher in vitamin C than green peppers), spinach, pumpkin squash, tomatoes (especially for men), yams and beans.
One of my strategies that helps me remember to eat this group is to "Eat the rainbow", so when I look at the plate in front of me I try to see as many colors as possible.
Your attitude towards food is very important in creating and sticking with a brain-healthy food plan. If you believe that foods can (and science has confirm this belief time and again) make your brain and body function at its top capacity, you will be able to be on track to having a better functioning system. Eat right and you will think better, I promise. Good luck and bon appetit.